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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 3146

2nd July 2023
Windsurfing: Levington
Wind Direction: W
Wind Stength: 15/25
Surf / Sea State:
Air Temperature:
Sea Temperature: 20
Weather: sunny periods
Max Speed: 19.73 (knots - unless stated otherwise)
Distance Covered: 23.50 (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

Sunday 2nd July - Windsurf **** River Orwell at Levington - sunny periods.

Foil - 19.73 knot max, 18.04 knot ave, 8.35 knot hour, 15.21 knot mile, 37.86 km., 15.41 knot alpha.

Starboard Freeride 150 and a Evolution Freeride foil with a Tushingham Storm 5.2.

After two pretty full on sessions I was up for another go today as we have a day tomorrow with the Granddaughter, the lovely Maeva:) I headed over to Levington arriving at 9.10 just as Swainy headed out in a yacht, sunny today with more wind, I called in the office to ask if anyone had spotted the board bag that blow away yesterday, sadly not:( Then Swainy posted a pic of it on the shore of the marina so hopefully I can find it after the session was over? After sailing over 40 miles yesterday I was not going to do so much today, I even had some company with Michael G coming who also wanted to get away early. Both foil boards were set up and with lots of white water in the middle of the river I went for 5.2 while Michael rigged his 4.2. We then had around two hours, as with all small sail sailing you have to wait for the gusts especially on the river but when it was up it was really good, a great gybing day too, I did around 60 and actually managed to keep out of the water, I love small sail foiling!!! I was a fraction faster today but there was quite a big swell running down the river, also we had rigged too small to sail down towards the docks so mainly stayed just up-river of the marina where the wind was better but it meant shorter runs, hence loads of gybing! I did have a couple of runs down river but quickly ran out of wind, lots of yacht action again today with an old three masted sailing ship heading to Ipswich, I came ashore to take some pics before returning to the water to beat towards Pin Mill. Then with the tide dropping we decided to call it a day, I packed up and was heading to the far end of the marina in search of my board bag but it had been retrieved and a nice young man was wheeling it in a trolley to me, so that was a result. Then it was time for a shower and head for home, it?s been a good three days with more wind to come next week!

Walk **** - Falkenham Church to the River Deben.

As I got home early around one, we decided to drive over to one of our favourites Falkenham Church where we enjoyed a cuppa with a freshly made cake enjoying the peace and quiet, great views too:) Despite the fact that I had windsurfed 88 miles in three days and Mag has been non-stop in her garden we pushed our old legs to walk down to the River Deben in lovely Suffolk countryside covering 2.42 miles, then home for a rest!

PS - I forgot, we found a lovely Buzzard feather and the walkers we meet sitting on the River Deben path lost his hat near Falkenham Church, I put it on the footpath sign as it was in the road!

Photo Album here

Toys Used:
Starboard  Freeride Foil 150
Tushingham Storm 5.25
MK CPX carbon 150/210
Starboard  Evolution Freeride 95-1100-500-95
Gull Vortex Shorty large



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